Monday, June 2, 2014

40 Day Challenge - Draw Closer to God & Your Hubby (Day 36: Bless Your Husband)

After writing all these reasons why we love and respect our hubby, our heart should be overflowing with the willingness to come alongside him and help him in any way we can. Once we truly begin to admire someone for all they do, servitude becomes easier. (Notice I never said easy, if it were easy I wouldn't be doing this challenge!) Also, planning something with the intention of blessing him, becomes FUN.

Day 36
That's the purpose of today! Plan something to take place within the next few days or weeks with the intention of blessing him. You know what he enjoys doing, so plan an activity that you know he'll enjoy (and it may or may not include you...).

I encourage you to go all out!

If you do have the intention of setting up a date: A GREAT source for Christian wives that offers many, many ideas is The Dating Divas.

P.S. I also challenge you to do this often (and by often I mean more than once a year), so the bar you set is the bar you need to keep!

If you just joined us I encourage you to start with day 1, there's a reason for the order...

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